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As summer approaches life seems to become chaotic.  Spring activities end and often there are recitals and showcases!  My daughter had her “Oliver” showcase last Tuesday and she debuted my latest addition to costume couture.

Flowers for our little actress!

Summer activities also overlap with the spring activities meaning there are more places to be!  Our kids swim team just started!  I love swim team because my kids are tired at the end of the day and they love having time with their neighborhood friends.  I also love that I don’t have to get in the pool.  It has not quite warmed up enough for me to swim yet.

Another way to tell it is almost summer…. The Festivals!  This past weekend our city was filled with opportunities for the community to come together.  We had a strawberry festival, a greek festival, and a food festival.  We missed the Strawberry Festival because my daughter and I were out of town with her Girl Scout troop. We did make it to the food festival called “Broad Appetit” and it benefited our local food bank.  One of my favorite things to do when I visited my family in Indiana was going with them to the “Taste of Chicago” and “Broad Appetit” is Richmond’s version.

They both ate 2 of these big meatballs!

My kids loved the meatballs, which was funny because this year’s resturants featured a lot of BBQ and tacos.  My favorite was the Strawberry Gaspacho.  I love Gaspacho!

There was also free facepainting…

I have to admit it was a creative choice!

Only my children would pick to become “Road Kill”.   Well, I have some things that were more pinteresting than roadkill and that would be this weeks pins…

Don’t Spoil It!


I have book club tonight and I have not finished the book we are reading.  This does not happen very often for me.  This month our selection was Fifty Shades of Grey and I never got into the book!  I know, I am a mommy and I am supposed to find Christian Grey to be drool worthy, but he is doing nothing for me.  Reading the book has become a chore and so I am a little over half way through it and have decided that I don’t care if you spoil the book or the next two books in the series.  If and when I finish this one, I am done with the series.  I mean it.  I have too many other books waiting to be read.

Another Sangria Recipe…


…because you never can have enough Sangria recipes.  Seriously!

Cotton Candy?


So I got a cotton candy maker.  I know it was a frivolous purchase, but I love cotton candy and it was on sale for $15.   I also thought it would make a fun activity to do when I am trying to fill up the day during the summer.  I also think it will get use in my kids’ classroom, birthday parties, etc. I also found these cute cupcakes and a fun lemonade drink.  So much to do with it!!  I did forget to buy the sugar for it though (I honestly thought that a little would be included with the maker)… So I am just staring at it and wishing I could make cotton candy.  I finally got onto Amazon and got the sugar so I should be able to break it out for end of the year school parties.  YAY!

One more Tuesday left of school for my kids and then… hmm.